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저희 변호사들은 지난 30여년간 쌍아온 지식과 경험을 바탕으로 의뢰인들의 다양한 배경과 목적에 맞는 각종 비이민비자 수속은 물론, 가족초청 혹은 취업이민을 통해 미국 영주권을 취득하고자 하시는 분들을 위해 법률 자문 및 법적 대행 서비스를 제공해드리고 있습니다. 영주권이나 시민권 취득에 걸림돌이 될 수 있는 범죄기록을 말소하는 일 또한 저희 법률사무소가 전문적으로 취급하는 분야 중 하나입니다. 추방 재판에 회부되신 의뢰인들을 위해서는 풍부한 경험과 사건에 대한 정확한 법적 해석으로 다양한 방법을 통해 손님의 권익을 최대한 지켜드립니다.

미국내에서 사업을 하고자 하시는 외국 투자자들과 다국적 기업들을 위해서는 다양한 형태의 사업체 설립을 포함하여, 공식 문건 및 계약서 검토, 정부기관에 제출되어야 하는 사업체 서류의 준비 등에 대한 필요한 법적 자문과 관련 서비스를 제공해드립니다. 또한 미국 내에서 운영되고 있는 사업체의 원만한 경영을 위해 해외에서 인력을 채용 혹은 전임시키고자 하는 고용주들을 위해서는 비자신청서 및 청원서의 준비와 제출을 대행해드리며, 관련법 준수와 맞물린 제반 문제들에 대핸 법적 조언도 제공해드립니다.

저희 변호사 사무실에 요청하세요

모든 법률 상담 내용은 전문적으로 진행되며, 보안이 유지됩니다. 소속 변호사와 직접 상담해 보실 수 있습니다.


    My family got Green Cards and citizenship through the best lawyer Jane Chung. She guided me correctly and especially the interview with Jane worked very very helpful. I just followed her advice. I really appreciate her hard work and efforts. Additionally, I am thankful to Lydia Lee and Sally Lee. They were very kind and helped me a lot. Please, all of you, stay safe and healthy.
    Sang Cho
    I strongly recommend Law Offices of Jane Chung for immigration related matter. Staff members are so kind and professional. They always responded to my questions and sent status updates timely.
    Steve Chung
    Amazing team! They made me feel very comfortable throughout the entire process, answering all the (many!) questions I had, giving me peace of mind. Special shout out to Sarah Lee, who has been wonderful to work with. Thank you!
    jay park
    Lydia Lee was one of the best people who helped to get a green card. Without their help couldn’t be able to get my green card. It was 8 years of a long journey to receive a green card. and I appreciate her hard work and efforts.
    Heather Soo Hyun Shin
    I had all my needs met with the service provided by Jane Chung and her team. They are well organized and efficient. I recommend to everyone!
    Antonio Ko
    You can trust here and I guarantee that they are very professional.
    Be Humble B
    We would like to thank the entire Jane Chung Law team for all your professionalism and diligence throughout our Permanent Resident application processes, the high level of service, follow up as well as detailed planning and documentation was very impressive and highly appreciated.
    Ross Gatta
    Their law service is superior and accurate. Thanks to Jane Chung Law Offices, I got approval of permanent residence. If you are having hard time in staying in the US legally, I'd recommend to get consultation from Jane Chung.
    Haerim Kang
    My green card case through Jane Chung Law Office was so perfect and professional! Manager Eunice is so attentive and gets into so much detail when explaining the status/ situaion of your case! She was pleasant to work with and loved it!
    Julie kim
    Thank you very much. You listened to me like my job, and you worked like my job ... I was impressed ~
    J K